
IKARUS 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015

IKARUS 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015
Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 1 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 2 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 3 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 4 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 5 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 6 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 7 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 8 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 9 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 10 Икарус 250 250-93 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 11
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Published on 15 October 2016

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MOD "Ikarus 250 250-93" will come in handy for those who want to work with the mission to "bus station". You can transport people, passengers are registered exceptional.

Realistic appearance, dust from the wheels and other chips make mod welcome acquisition for any other missions. In the end, you can simply go to the village, checking trees for strength.

Curtains on the Windows, why not, maybe work in future versions of fashion. Working mirrors, doors open. In short, a complete vehicle for your favorite Simulator.
Author:  -=F@RMeR=-
Make: Икарус
Moderators: Lamchik, Vovan244

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