
Simple Native Trainer v6.4.0.1 alpha 5 for GTA 4

Simple Native Trainer v6.4.0.1 alpha 5 for GTA 4
Simple Native Trainer v6.4.0.1 alpha 5 for GTA 4 miniature 1
Like:  44

Published on 30 November 2012

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Simple Native Trainer — can create next to Niko any characters and ordinary people, weapons, vehicles, gives the chance to teleport, to enable a speedometer, enable God mode, disable the police, get unlimited ammo, reassign keys and more.

To mods for Grand Theft Auto IV to version or, you need to install this .Net Script Hook

To mods for Grand Theft Auto IV version you need to install this .Net Script Hook


-Fixed (added) translation settings;
-Fixed (added) translation menu for bodyguards/walkers;
-Fixed (added) translation of selection missions (of help options in missions);
-Fixed (added) translation of the names of the models from the cutscenes;
-Fixed (added) translation of the names of the objects;
--TLaD and TBoGT:
---Fixed (added) translation of the names of the models from episode TBoGT;
---Fixed (added) translation of model names episodes TLaD.


-Fixed (added) translation of the names of the basic models;
-Fixed (added) translation of the weapons menu.


-Fixed (added) translation of list of speed dial keys;
-Fixed (added) translation weapons menu;
-Fixed (added) translation of the vehicle;
-TLaD and TBoGT:
---Fixed (added) translation of the additional objects;
---Fixed (added) a translation of menus flares parachute.


-Translated string vehicle name.


Relocated main line NATIVE TRAINER;
-Vehicle names, models, objects remained unchanged.


RCtrl RAlt D Disable trainer
RCtrl RAlt E - Enable trainer

Vnutriigrovoy menu:
F3 Show vnutriigrovoy menu
F4 Hide menu vnutriigrovoy
- To cling to the car
,< - Slow down the car
Num . - Slightly increase the speed of the car
Ralt B Set bomb on the car
RCTRL B to Detonate a bomb
RCTRL C Enable/disable super jump
RCTRL H Kill the hostile pedestrian attached to destination M.
RCTRL I Kill a pedestrian are attached to destination M.
RCTRL K Teleport all the guards to the player
RCTRL L Teleport to the created machine
RCTRL M Teleport to the destination
RCTRL O Save coordinates to trainer.ini
RCTRL R - Save/load clothes into/from the slot 1
RCTRL V Clean clothes

M Num 0 - Enable/disable seat belt
M Num 1 - friendship and Respect Pucky and Roman 100 %
M Num 2 - friendship and Respect Brucie and Dwayne 100 %
M Num 3 - the Respect and friendship of a Little Jaocb 100 %
M Num 4 - Enable procedural animation (portray death)
M Num 5 - back to the default animation (make normal position)
M Num 6 Drunk camera
M Num 7 - Remove drunk camera
M Num 8 Attach/release car to/from the helicopter/but-lift/but
M Num 9 - Stop/start time

LAlt Num 0 - to Slow down time
LAlt Num 1 Noon(12)
LAlt Num 2 - afternoon(18)
LAlt Num 3 Evening(23)
LAlt Num 4 Night(5)
LAlt Num 5 - Add 1 hour
LAlt Num 6 Back 1 hour
LAlt Num 7 - to weapon sets 1/2
LAlt Num 8 - Get armor
LAlt Num 9 Maximum life

RAlt Num 0 - Set the time in the game,corresponding to the time that was installed on the computer
RAlt Num 1 Extra Sunny
RAlt Num 2 Sunny
RAlt Num 3 Sunny and windy
RAlt Num 4 - Cloudy
RAlt Num 5 - Rainy
RAlt Num 6 - drizzle
RAlt Num 7 - Foggy
RAlt Num 8 - Storm
RAlt Num 9 Player see/invisible

RCtrl Num 0 - Close/open car door
RCtrl Num 1 Fix car
RCtrl Num 2 Flip car
RCtrl Num 3 - Wash the car
RCtrl Num 4 Change car color red
RCtrl Num 5 Change car color blue
RCtrl Num 6 Change car color black
RCtrl Num 7 Change car color green
RCtrl Num 8 Change car color white
RCtrl Num 9 Change car color yellow

I Num 0 to Turn the car 90 degrees
I Num 1 Open left front door
I Num 2 Open right front door
I Num 3 to Open the left rear door
I Num 4 Open right rear door
I Num 5 Open the hood
I Num 6 to Open the trunk
I Num 7 Open all doors
I Num 8 Enable/disable speedometer(KM\\H)
I Num 9 Enable/disable alarm

J Num 0 - Start/stop the engine
J Num 1 Close left front door
J Num 2 Close right front door
J Num 3 Close left rear door
J Num 4 Close right rear door
J Num 5 Close the hood
J Num 6 Close the trunk
J Num 7 Close all doors
J Num 8 Enable/disable speedometer(M/H)
J Num 9 Car/player visible/invisible

K Num 0 - Enable/disable spotlight
K Num 1 Save car
K Num 2 - to Sit in a stored machine
K Num 3 - to Put the player in the passenger seat
K Num 4 Remove left front window
K Num 5 Remove right front window
K Num 6 Remove left rear window
K Num 7 Remove right rear window
K Num 8 Remove all Windows

O Num 0 - Teleport to marker
~` - To call a taxi
O Num 1 Free taxi
O Num 2 - Light nearest peda
O Num 3 - to Make the pedestrian to use procedural animation (portray death)
O Num 4 Freeze nearest PED
O Num 5 Unfreeze nearest PED
O Num 6 - add life to player(200 units)
O Num 7 - Create a guard
O Num 8 Remove all the guards
O Num 9 Sit down/stand up

L Num 0 - Open all doors
L Num 1 - Create the attacking peda
L Num 2 - Open the map
L Num 3 - Create random security guard
L Num 4 spawn random PED
L Num 5 - Create peda
L Num 6 Hide/display HUD and radar
L Num 7 Enable/disable mobile radio
L Num 8 - Switch the radio station up
L Num 9 - Toggle the radio down
N - Next song on the radio
RCTRL T Enable/disable dynamic objects
RCTRL U Delete last created object
RCTRL X Last object you created invisible/visible
RCTRL Y All created objects visible/invisible
RCTRL Z - Create an explosion near player
LAlt I - to access the Internet
LAlt J Freeze nearest car
LAlt K - Sit in the nearest car as passenger

Airplane mode:
F6 - Enable/disable flight mode
W - Up
S - Down
Num 8 - Forward
Num 2 - Back
Num 6 - Rotate clockwise
Num 4 - Rotate counter-clockwise
Right - Tilt right
Left - Tilt left

The creation of vehicles:
Alt A - Turismo
Alt B - Comet
Alt C Infernus
Alt D - Super GT
Alt E - Feltzer
Alt F - Sabre
Alt G FBI Buffalo

Alt M NRG900
Alt N - Sanchez

Alt R - Random transport

Alt T Annihilator
Alt U Maverick

Alt X - Jetmax

LAlt 0 Smash car window
LAlt 1 Create object 1
LAlt 2 Create object 2
LAlt 3 - Create object 3
LAlt 4 Create object 4
LAlt 5 Create object 5
LAlt 6 Clear area
LAlt 7 Explode car marked with a marker
LAlt 8 spawn random attacking PED
LAlt 9 on/off neon
RAlt 0 - Casual voice of the player
RAlt 1 Load animation slot 1 of
RAlt 2 Load animation slot 2 of
RAlt 3 - Download animations from the slot 3
RAlt 4 Load animation slot 4 of
RAlt 5 Load animation slot 5 from
RAlt 6 - Give task to the last created PED
RAlt 7 - go to train
RAlt 8 Save car to slot 1
RAlt 9 Load car from slot 1
RShift 1 - to Download voice from the slot 1
RShift 2 - Download voice from the slot 2
RShift 3 - Download voice from the slot 3
RShift 4 - Download voice from the slot 4
RShift 5 - Download voice from the slot 5
RShift 6 - to Download voice from the slot 6
RShift 7 - to Download voice from the slot 7
RShift 8 - Download voice from the slot 8
RShift 9 - Download voice from the slot 9
RShift 0 - Download voice from the slot 10
M 0 - Move the last created object
M 1 - Clone the last object you created
M 2 Freeze car
M 3 - to Defrost the vehicle
M 4 Freeze player
M 5 Unfreeze player
M 6 Explode saved car
M 7 Cruise control
M 8 - Move the player
M 9 Enable/disable camera lock
J - Disable procedural animation of the jump
R is the Acceleration of the car (don't keep long, as the speed increases)
X Preview object
RAlt A to Make the nearest peda guard

L - Set station
Numpad - Increase speed
Numpad - - Decrease speed
B - Stop the train
R. - Open/close right doors
L. - Open/close left door
Q - Turn on/off the automatic stop
R - Rotate camera clockwise
X - Rotate camera counterclockwise
W/S - Move camera forward/backward
A/D - Move camera left/right
F - Choose the train
Enter - Skip the trip
Num 0 - back to the default game camera
Num 1 - view from the cockpit
Num 2 - Camera in the cabin 1
Num 3 interior Camera 2
Num 4 - Camera in the cabin 3
Num 5 - sided camera 1
Num 6 - sided camera 2
Num 7 - roof Camera
Num 8 - front-facing Camera
Num 9 rear Camera

Num 4 - Left side
Num 6 - Right side
Num 2 - Back side
Num 8 - Front side
Num 5 - center

Gravity gun:
RCTRL J Enable/disable \"Gravity gun\"
Right mouse button - Move(Left/right)
Mouse wheel forward - Move forward
Mouse wheel backward - Move backward
Left mouse button - Fire

Only in TLaD:
M Num 1 - Friendship and respect Glue 100%
M Num 2 - Friendship and respect Terry 100%
M Num 3 - the Friendship and respect Jinja 100%

Only in TBoGT:
M Num 1 - Friendship and respect Armando 100%
M Num 2 - Friendship and respect Enrique 100%
M Num 3 - Get a parachute
F7 Smoke(by parachute)
CapsLock - Nitro
L Num 2 - Rapid reload nitro
RAlt G Reload nitro settings
Author:  sjaak327, FONT Studio

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