
Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4

Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4
Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 1 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 2 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 3 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 4 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 5 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 6 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 7 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 8 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 9 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 10 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 11 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 12 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 13 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 14 Nissan 240SX Korch for GTA 4 miniature 15
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Published on 28 December 2013

To favorites
-removed from the Interior upholstery and any trim;
instrument panel-carbon;
-door "naked";
-is configured under the drift;
-front lights shine Red;
-dimensions of the back does not work, only the stopari (right barely shines);
-the reverse side of the hood zateksturena Japanese Sun;
-its not simetričnaâ dirt.

There is also 8 Extras:
-Front bumper;
-Teeth on the interkulere with red LED light;
-Lining on the front lights in combination with teeth and included lamps;
-Visûl′ka JDM mirror;
-Crosses on the rear lamps;
-Room "Drift Yes";
-Domokun "and" Boxman "on the hood.

The first color is painted body and shelves of CDs, discs, četvërtymi themselves by a second grid on the hood, right wing and caliper.
Author:  Cpt.SkyDaRk, N-spec
Converter:  Cpt.SkyDaRk
Author`s site:
Model to replace: Ruiner
Make: Nissan

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