
TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas

TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas
TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas video 1
TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 TRON Legacy Bike v2 with CLEO Summon for GTA San Andreas miniature 8
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Published on 17 November 2015

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This is version two of Iceman-Studio's TRON bike, but with the script written by CrazyFool445 that was released with version three of the bike. All credit goes to them. I am publishing this because I really like the summoning script, but I prefer the v2 bike over the v3, and would like to include this combination in some vehicle packs.

The script allows you to "summon" the bike much like in the movie TRON; when the bike is summoned it will materialize with you driving it and with a burst of forward motion. To summon the bike, jump, then press PageUp while in the air.
Author:  IceMan-Studio, CrazyFool445
Converter:  IceMan-Studio
Author`s site:
Model to replace: NRG-500
Make: Other

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