
Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas

Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas
Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas video 1
Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Real Traffic Fix v1.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 22 August 2017

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You should not be happy with the current "traffic fix" does not it?
Now it's my turn to try to create one, one that REALLY fix the donkey traffic of GTA SA

Physical force - This will make all cars have physical while driving on the streets, so they will no longer be as "trains riding on rails", they will drive like real cars, using laws of physical, avoiding THIS kind of thing, and car possibilities skid when cornering at high speed, slow down on climbs and fast downhill etc.
Smart obstacle detection - The faster your car is running, the more it will detect things that are further away from it. Also, the driver will be more "fearful" and even that will brake the obstacles are not exactly in front of his car etc, causing a slow-down effect if it is close to an obstacle. Also the check of obstacle if the car is cornering
Realistic braking - Unlike other traffic fix, this is a realistic brake, and the more speed, more will brakes. Detail: The mod does not remove the accidents, it only prevents! to be realistic
Acceleration in free street - The cars will accelerate increasingly (in a limit) if it has no car in front of him, giving a very cool effect where some cars go faster than others etc, a non-constant speed
More courage - Unlike spoken in "smart obstacle detection", the cars also have more courage, such as the car will pass even if he has 5 inches of space, unlike before that even with 1 meter of space and they even stopped the car
No excessive panic - himself GTA SA has the function that forces the cars to crash one in the other, to give a greater sense of panic (such as you shoot them etc.), the mod disables it doing they only run more, but without forcing the crashes
Deceleration in curves - When the vehicle turns, it will decrease the speed, avoiding very fast curves
Fix of cars stuck in the ground - It fixes all the cars that are stuck in the ground, usually by lag etc
Street elevations detection - If have some elevation the car will slow down
Slow lane - Big or slow vehicles will traffic on slow lane (right lane)
.ini file configurable to leave the mod the way you want, including a test mode to facilitate the configuration
(the mod does NOT remove the traffic on both sides of the highway and / or changing the track cars, but I'm trying to disable the cars changing range (by choice in .ini)

- The cars will not run over on highways, they will drive slowly. On the other hand they will accelerate and run more if the highway is clean
- The unreal curves were removed, on the other hand, this will cause the big vehicles like trucks may have difficulties in making some very sharp curves
- The vehicle braking when other car pass on the other way is not a problem of this mod, but the game.
Author:  Junior_Djjr
Author`s site:,
This mod required:
Moderators: tima2014, lk_1997_kl

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