
The choice of weapons by ID for GTA San Andreas

The choice of weapons by ID for GTA San Andreas
Выбор оружия по ID for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Выбор оружия по ID for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Выбор оружия по ID for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Выбор оружия по ID for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 14 March 2018

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All the good time of day, friends! While I have the fantasy to continue dyom mission, I want to introduce a Cleo script. Using this script you can take any weapon by its number. Rooms: claw A1 putter A2 A3 A4 knife masterx baseball bat A5 A6 A7 pool cue shovel Katana A8 A9 chainsaw big blue faloimmitator B10 small light green faloimmitator B11 large grey faloimmi tator B12 small wooden faloimmitator B13 bouquet B14 cane B15 Vulgaris pomegranate B16 gas grenade grenade B17 "Molotov cocktail" B18 pomegranate on the remote control or the B39 Colt45 B22 pistol with a silencer pistol "desert on the B23 rjol "B24 odnozarjadnyj shotgun B25 B27 26 dvustvolkaB SPAS UZI B28 TEC7 B32 automatic MP5 B29 Kalashnikov B30 M4 B31 B33 rifle sniper rifle with sight B34 Bazooka Bazooka B35 with homing B36 flamethrower B37 Minigun B38 paint needle B41 extinguisher B42 camera night vision thermal B44 B43 vision B45 all numbers entered as cheat codes. That's all, friends. Expect me to other projects and CLEO DYOM. I don't say goodbye!
Author:  xXxVAMPIR4IKxXx
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