
XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas

XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas
XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas video 1
XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 14 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 15 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 16 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 17 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 18 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 19 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 20 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 21 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 22 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 23 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 24 XIIV Reborn for GTA San Andreas miniature 25
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Published on 22 August 2017

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Modification notes:-setting designed exclusively medium and powerful PC-Setup has been tested by many people and everyone she looked differently-not work on Windows 8/10-on/off Shift + F12-Game brightness should be at the minimum Osobennocti settings:-setting based on ENB version of 0306 (one dll)-Beautiful colours-the original Timecyc-Reconfigures XIIV beautiful shadows-Qualitative SSAO-tuned water-Quality Bloom-Dynamic DoF-added many options You can install optional (Folder Options)-added exdisp.asi and flickr.asi-Present PerPixelLighting (cleo) Differences from XIIV XIIV Reborn:-setting is based on a single DLL (standard at the XIIV 5 DLLs), therefore the load on the PC has become less-setting as close as possible to the atmosphere of the game itself-Removed bug with optics on machines when the inclusion of ENB c cars ceased to display the texture of glow lights (depends on the machine itself)-Removed bug with shadow on machines When almost to the floor machine stains, they appeared there and now, but it's not as powerful as earlier-Added different ways DoF'a known issues and bugs:-mirror Too (does not work fix it)-Spots on the edges of the machine in perspective from below (this setting of shadows, this bug can be removed by putting ShadowBlurRange the value 0.00, but the shadows will not be very beautiful on some machines)-when installing the Imitation of Motion Blur option folders DoF , the machine appears "ghost", in the screenshots with this DoF'om you can notice this-when you install options Bokeh DoF by a. Zabaznov from the folder DoF, during sunset, you have to wait for about 1 minute (depends on configuration) installation of additional components: setting options from the folder "DOF" 1. Choose the most suitable variant for you 2. Open the folder "enbseries" 3. Copy the file "enbeffectprepass" in the folder "enbseries" confirming the replacement of conditions of distribution and use: 1. This modification is exclusive for the following sites on the subject of Grand Theft Auto: 2. Posting on other websites is PERMITTED. For the correct placement of the archive with modification it is enough to follow five simple rules:-to inform the author preferences about your intentions to lay out a failover fashion; -specify the author (-s) settings; -Nice, neat and informative to issue release on the site where you want to lay out the author's setting. 3. do not use without the knowledge of the author in global configuration mode. 4. it is prohibited to use parts from third-party customization projects. 5. Do not use the modification for commercial purposes. Thanks:-Team Alfa Modding Studio-Boris Vorontsov-for ENB Series-Hanan-SRB-for testing tips-Mad Driver-for the translation of a description in English. language, testing, tips-Angeas-for customization SaGFX, tips-DIMEN-for assistance in configuring, testing tips and video review-d. Alekseevich-for testing, tips, screenshots and all others who followed the progress of the work
Author:  Boris Voronsov, DIMEN, Balach, Anton Zabaznov
Author`s e-mail:
Author`s site:,,
Tag: ENB
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Moderators: smalloff, 05010513788

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