
Pak weapons GTA 5 v2 for GTA San Andreas

Pak weapons GTA 5 v2 for GTA San Andreas
Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 1 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 2 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 3 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 4 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 5 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 6 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 7 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 8 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 9 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 10 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 11 Пак оружия GTA 5 v2  miniature 12
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Published on 17 November 2016

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In this Pack are replaced by weapons from gta5
The second version of my Pack
Pak assembled on site
Moderators: crow, lk_1997_kl
Пак включает в себя 28 mods:
  1. - Beretta M92FS HD replace Colt 45
  2. - Accuracy International L96A1 replace Sniper Rifle
  3. - Pistol with silencer replace Silenced Pistol
  4. - Camera of GTA IV replace Camera
  5. - Mini UZI replace Micro Uzi
  1. - Spray Can replace Spray Paint
  2. - Baton of GTA 5 replace Night Stick
  3. - Molotov cocktail of GTA 5 replace Molotovs
  4. - Bits of GTA IV By AnRi replace Baseball Bat
  5. - Sticky Bombs GTA 5 replace Sachet Charges
  6. - The new Detonator HD replace Detonator
  7. - White parachute of GTA 5 v1.1 replace Parachute
  8. - RPG-7B2 from Battlefield 3 replace RPG
  9. - GTA 5 Sawed-Off Shotgun replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  10. - GTA V machete (Lowrider DLC) replace Knife
  11. - Minigun from GTA V PC replace Minigun
  12. - GTA V Assault SMG V2-Misterix 4 Weapons replace MP5
  13. - GTA V Homing Launcher-Misterix 4 Weapons replace Missile Launcher
  14. - GTA V Machine zone II V2-Misterix 4 Weapons replace Tec9
  15. - GTA V Assault Shotgun V2-Misterix 4 Weapons replace Combat Shotgun
  16. - GTA V Heavy Revolver V2-Misterix 4 Weapons replace Desert Eagle
  17. - HK416A5 Assault Rifle replace M4
  18. - M40A5 replace Rifle
  19. - Brass knuckles "The Hustler" from GTA Online replace Brass Knuckles
  20. - Pomegranate from GTA V replace Grenades
  21. - GTA V Shrewsbury Assault Rifle replace AK47
  22. - GTA V Shrewsbury Pump Shotgun replace Shotgun
  23. - Battle Axe bloody (GTA Online Bikers DLC) replace Katana
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