
CJ can talk (v 2.0) for GTA San Andreas

CJ can talk (v 2.0) for GTA San Andreas
Сиджей может разговаривать (v2.0) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Сиджей может разговаривать (v2.0) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Сиджей может разговаривать (v2.0) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 6 December 2013

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The second version of the modification of the "Cj can talk."

This mod allows the main character to talk whenever you want!

List of phrases in the second version:

Space + 1-Greets with a prostitute.
SPACEBAR + 2-Greets with a prostitute (type 2).
SPACEBAR + 3 — apologizes to anyone
Space + 4-Pontuetsâ in front of the cops
Space + 5 — Sends the cops ... (well you know where)
Space bar + 6 is starting to get mad at anything
Space + 7 is talking to the drug dealer
Space + 8 is talking to a drug dealer (type 2)
Space + 9 — Shouts during a fight with someone

SHIFT + 1-Rejoice
SHIFT + 2 — is angry
SHIFT + 3 is Talking with the bandits
SHIFT + 4 is Talking with the bandits (type 2)
SHIFT + 5-greets their bratkom from the gang
SHIFT + 6-Greets with a woman
SHIFT + 7-Insults someone
SHIFT + 8-Insults a woman
SHIFT + 9-Swears.

CTRL + 1-Threatens to anyone
CTRL + 2-this phrase he usually says when someone steals a bike
CTRL + 3-this phrase he usually says when upsets women
CTRL + 4-this phrase he usually says when upsets men
CTRL + 5-Requests to get out of the car
CTRL + 6-Insults ballasov
CTRL + 7-saying goodbye to a man
CTRL + 8-Grove Street from bratku Orders to go somewhere

TAB + 1 — very loud someone insults
TAB + 2 — Greets a girl
TAB +3-Goodbye Girl

The player said different phrases. The phrase is repeated in a row. For example, if you press several times the space + 3, Cj will say differently, but the meaning of each phrase remains the same.

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Author:  andre500
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