
The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim

The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim
The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1
The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim video 1
The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 4 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 5 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 6 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 7 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 8 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 9 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 10 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 11 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 12 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 13 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 14 The Legend of Zelda - Fire Ice and Light Arrows for TES V: Skyrim miniature 15
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Published on 2 September 2014

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Included in Relics of Hyrule

The Fire Arrows explode with a big fiery ball that is visible from space*, launching enemies and setting them on fire. The initial blast does 100 points of damage and burns for 20 seconds, doing 15 points of damage each second. Low level enemies (if they somehow survived that) will flee from battle. The arrow itself is equal in strength to an Ebony arrow

The Ice Arrows explode with a chilled blast that deals 100 points of frost damage, freezing enemies solid and slowing those who survive. The arrow itself is equal in strength to an Ebony arrow.

The Light Arrows are the most deadly, exploding with a blinding ethereal light, making enemies flee from battle. Those that survive the initial blast suffer 40 points of shock damage for 20 seconds, collapsing into a pile of ash upon death. If an enemy is lucky enough to be killed by the arrow itself (weaker than an Iron Arrow), then they will not disintegrate.
The Light Arrow deals more damage to undead and will disintegrate dragons as well, making the absorption of a Dragon Soul silent and unnervingly calm.

*Not actually visible from space.

The arrows can be found in chests at three shrines scattered throughout Skyrim. The chests respawn every ten game days or so. They are not marked on your map, but are near landmarks.

The Fire Shrine and Ice Shrine contain three arrows each, while the Light Shrine only contains one.

The arrows are deliberately overpowered and are really meant to be used as last resorts against Knevel the Tongue because he's a poopyhead.
Author:  JKalenad
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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