
Snow San Andreas VR 4.0 for GTA San Andreas

Snow San Andreas VR 4.0 for GTA San Andreas
Snow San Andreas VR4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Snow San Andreas VR4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Snow San Andreas VR4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Snow San Andreas VR4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Snow San Andreas VR4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Snow San Andreas VR4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 21 December 2016

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Meet the new version modification of San Andreas Snow "(it was distributed under the names of" Winter "and" winter Came "), knows practically every gambler GTA San Andreas.

This project began to be developed in the distant year of 2008 and was a hodgepodge of the authors of that time. There included not only snow, but texture and other "vyrviglaznye" retekstury various buildings, signage, billboards. Last update dates from the year 2011, when the author added snow-capped lody. This is the version to this day walks on the Internet without any actual changes.

Snow San Andreas-global mod for GTA SA, covering the entire State. Unlike the eponymous project Snow San Andreas 2011 or Winter Vacation, this mod is not picky about hardware. Also here there is nothing superfluous, and you, in turn, can safely add new fashion, without fear that the game will not work.

The features of this version:

* All textures added mip-levels, now will not bug "black road" on low graphics settings, and textures now look more soundly.
* Completely removed modpak and about a hundred other reteksturov. Now only the texture of snow.
* Winter weather.
* Snow tires for all vehicles.
* Driving became difficult due to ice runup.
* Partially saved Easter eggs with original fashion and added new ones.
* SnowFX have appeared INI file in which you can configure the keyboard controls snowfall.
* Game will not be krashit'sja when not properly installed SnowFX.

This version of fashion sharpened for a comfortable game in single player and SA-MP, and also provides for further installation of modifications on top this fashion without any problems.
P.s. it has SnowFX v2.0 (unoficial path)
Author:  sashka911, andre500, spartan, Mashinata, jealous, Mastersin, SPYFAN
Author`s site:
Tag: Textures

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