
163 Mesershmit Comet for GTA San Andreas

163 Mesershmit Comet for GTA San Andreas
Mesershmit 163 Comet for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Mesershmit 163 Comet for GTA San Andreas video 1
Mesershmit 163 Comet for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Mesershmit 163 Comet for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Mesershmit 163 Comet for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Mesershmit 163 Comet for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 10 April 2013

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The me 163 Comet. This aircraft was created during World War II, operation began in 1944. The plane flew very well has a working part of the rudder, Elevator, ailerons and rotating the screw. Still very good and out of her cabin has a very good overview of the Nitro if enabled from the nozzle will fire!))

The plane has two disadvantages! This is something that no undercarriage, but the plane in their life and not only have the Jet Ski:D so it is not considered a failure or shortcoming, but that there is a povorty on earth are in the opposite axis well all see themselves as in flight all OK))

and you certainly have noticed the Yakovlev 15 video) Don't sweat it'll soon!))

and you can change the color of an aircraft and using a pair of buttons [b +5 or 0] Figure 5 color will be white and the Green 0)) have fun!
Author:  Den8660
Author`s e-mail:
Model to replace: Shamal
Make: Messerschmitt
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