
DYOM Markers for GTA San Andreas

DYOM Markers for GTA San Andreas
DYOM Markers for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 DYOM Markers for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 DYOM Markers for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 DYOM Markers for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 22 May 2017

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This script allows you to put on the map for more tags, which will be displayed during DYOM missions. Using it you can create dialogue during the trip or add any side goal. How does the script (read carefully): 1) Push N + M and choose token number 2) click "add point activation". When the player stands on this point during a mission on the map label appears (it is better to put it somewhere in a lonely place, player, wandering the world, accidentally stumbled on it), 3) Create a dialogue or any other purpose through DYOM, 4) Click the "Add marker" and choose color, 5) Add at the same place checkpoint using DYOM. This Is A Must! If you use script in your project DYOM distribute it with the files "Markers.ini" and "Активация.cs", the Markers other files do not need to touch. The activation key you can modify the script in the file "Markers.ini" by changing the key1 and key2.
Author:  SIZZZ
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